No Cake Walk

No Cake Walk

My sister Holly was diagnosed with HER 2 positive breast cancer in August 2022, at the age of 64.  This aggressive cancer requires a course of chemotherapy, followed by a lumpectomy, then radiation.  She also started Herceptin with her first chemo infusion.  This form...
Remembering Family

Remembering Family

We never thought our family tree carried any cancer gene.  Yes, our father had cancer when he passed away, but after all he smoked for 40+ years; we expected that. UNTIL, both my sister and my first cousin on our dad’s side, were both diagnosed with breast cancer...
Enough is Enough

Enough is Enough

In Dec 2015 I found out my sister, Brenda Farris, had been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She was in Mesa, AZ and I was in Salem, OR so my ability to support her like I wanted just wasn’t realistic. When I knew she was doing better and could come visit for Christmas...


Brenda resides in Mesa, Arizona and not only is she battling Metastatic Breast Cancer, but also suffering from a chronic idiopathic pain condition called Trigeminal Neuralgia, which targets the facial nerves-specifically in her jaw area. Trigeminal Neuralgia is said...